When we think of culture, our first thought is ethnic backgrounds. Culture is usually the way of living, norms and traditions of a certain set of people. While, this may be the best definition for culture, we tend to forget that culture can also be promoted by groups, for instance schools, churches, and homes. Oxford Dictionary defines culture as, “the customs and beliefs, art, way of life, and social organization of a particular country or group.”
A-Tech High-School has created a unique culture. With that culture, they have webbed together diversity and excellence causing a unique identity. As a parent of a Grade 12 student of this phenomenal school, I have observed the formation of a different culture. This includes, togetherness, friendship, leadership, success and most of all support. Students lean on each other, whether it be in sports or education. The bonds are sometimes tighter than that of family.
The culture of a family formed out of bloodline is not only among students but also among staff. A-Tech is home to exceptional staff who guide students in the right direction to be successful. I will forever be grateful for the experiences that has shaped my teenage son into who he is today. The teachings and guidance he received from his peers and teachers at this wonderful school helped him become knowledgeable and an outstanding young man.
Thank you, A-Tech, for turning our young girls and boys into young ladies and young men.