It is the most valuable resource we have in the universe thus far; little is known about this phenomenon, so its acquisition is considered “priceless” for scientists.
What is Antimatter?

Antimatter is a subatomic particle with the mass, electric charge, and magnetic moment of electrons, protons, and neutrons in conventional matter, but whose electric and magnetic moments have the opposite sign. The reason for its name is in its definition, where it is explained that it’s just like any subatomic particle but opposite in all aspects.
Where can it be found?

Only a tiny percentage of Antimatter has been effectively linked together in experiments to produce anti-atoms, despite Antimatter being present in natural processes such as cosmic ray collisions and some forms of radioactive decay, which only occur in space, respectively. It is said that scientists own Antimatter, which may not naturally exist on Earth. This is because it’s lab-created, but a very tiny small fraction of it is what they were able to come up with.

Antimatter may be a potent and effective fuel for interstellar or star travel. Proton and antiproton annihilation is how the energy produces charged pions, which can be magnetically focused to produce thrust. Be ready for possible Antimatter propelled space crafts in the future because Elon Musk might’ve probably thought about it already for SpaceX’s potential revolutionary projects; you never know what’s on that man’s head, so do not be surprised the day you find out that the Earth is using antimatter-fueled space ships for investigations, its not impossible to make it happen.
Does it have a price tag?

Among valuable materials, Antimatter is a singular and extraordinary anomaly. As said previously, for scientists is “priceless,” but the Earth’s price implies an astonishing $62.5 trillion per gram; its worth dwarfs not only the predicted $100 trillion global GDP but also rare commodities like gold and diamonds. Its expense is so great that to buy a gram of this resource, many governments worldwide would have to agree to give it all to allow scientists to research it as much as possible. However, it is clear that the purchase of Antimatter is complicated because the global economy is unable to withstand such a massive loss.

Theoretical examination of the duality between positive and negative charge gave rise to the idea of Antimatter. P.A.M. Dirac’s work on the energy levels of the electron suggested the existence of a particle similar to all other particles except for one: it had a positive charge instead of a negative charge. The positron is a type of particle that is not present in regular stable matter. It was found in 1932 among particles created when cosmic rays interacted with matter, offering experimental support for Dirac’s theory.

The world is technically not ready for Antimatter in any way. As said earlier, we know very little about this precious resource. It will be full of valuable facts, and let us know much more about our universe, its properties, and potential overall. The day that we know enough about this is when it will revolutionize the Earth altogether. Scientists are eager for its acquisition and start research, but we are still waiting for such an achievement.