“When I see
my little sketch
I’m there again
wee woodland flowers
following them
with my pen
preserving shapes
on paper
for much longer
than real flowers live –
I can make
time stop forever.
This is one gift
art can give.
– My Little Sketch by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater
Art is anything; it’s everywhere you go, no matter the place. Your house, shoes, clothes, vehicles, assignments, home country flag, and much more were made by individuals with a sense of creativity enough to dedicate time to it. Time is the most valuable resource of humans; therefore, anything that was time invested in is valuable; therefore, it is yours truly; consequently, it is art. Do you know why? Because YOU ARE ART.
Needless to say, art has served many purposes throughout history, but in humans specifically, it became a way to express in public what you would regularly not say in public, express your emotions, how you really feel on the inside, convey messages to the ones that might be in search for it, be used to advocate in certain situations, or interpret it your way since the beautiful thing about art is that it could have so many meanings, it all depends on your perception and how you picture it.
What do you think the purpose of art is? Have you ever made art while feeling a certain way? The comment section below is more than open for y’all to share! We are anxious to hear your thoughts from you guys!!!
Disclaimer: All artwork shown is from A-Tech students involved in the Art program. Flags are also A-Tech property.